

About me.

I was born in South Wales in the UK. I have travelled a lot in the course of my life, and we lived in Liberia, West Africa for nearly five years. I now live in Germany with my husband and two children.

Like most authors I have always loved writing and reading. I haunted the local miner's institute library from the day my mother allowed me to go there on my own, and my love of books has accompanied me throughout my life. My English teacher always told me to 'shorten your text, it's too long', so I think the love of writing has always been part of me! I now read all kinds of books and have numerous favourite authors in various genres that range from thrillers, social, and historical novels. I am not fond of fantasy or science-fiction, but otherwise I'll read anything that looks interesting.

I've worked in third-world fishery progects, taught in language schools and had jobs in various publishing companies. I've written numerous books, had serials published in magazines,  worked on the English supplement of a German magazine, published several short stories in in German, assisted in the translation of at least 15 books for tourist purposes, and over the course of several years, specialist books about dolls and toys . I also worked on the publication of the German equivalent of Who's who in Germany. The latest addition to my additions is an audio CD of one of my already published book.

Writing is a solitary and time-consuming task and I am therefore extremely lucky that my husband is very understanding, has always encouraged me, and given me the time and space I need to write.

I belonged to the Romantic Novelists Association for many years, and it is a very supportive and helpful organization for would-be authors, as well as established ones. The New Writers Scheme is an excellent way to find out where your writing strengths and weaknesses are. It is not free, but if you join the RNA, and enter their New Writer Scheme (which you also have to pay for) it is still much cheaper than employing a professional editor to read and summarize your work.

I also belong to the ALCS and the PLR.


Ulverscroft - F.C THORPE - Leicester

Linford Romance Series


At the End of the Rainbow - June 2010 - ISBN 9781444801835

Reap the Whirlwind - May 2010 - ISBN 9781444801118

Where the Bluebells Grow Wild - July 2010 - ISBN 9781444802245

When Words Get in the Way - Sept 2010 - ISBN 9781444803778

Cottage in the Country - Oct 2010 - ISBN 9781444804157

Waiting for a Star to Fall - Jan 2011 - ISBN 978444805284

Swings and Roundabouts - Apr 2011 - ISBN 9781444806441

Knave of Diamonds - May 2011 - ISBN 9781444806335

Spades and Hearts - July 2011 - ISBN 9781444807400

Taking Steps - Jan 2012 - ISBN 9781444809213

I'll Be Waiting - Jan 2013 - ISBN 9781444809947

Hearts and Crafts - Mar 2013 - ISBN 9781444814699

The Heart Must Choose - Jul 2013 - ISBN 97814444816129

The House of Rodriguez - Nov 2014 - ISBN 9781444821895

Wild Frangipani - Feb 2015 - ISBN 97814444822984

True Colours - Mar 2015 - ISBN 97814448223356

A Summer in Tuscany - Sept 2015 - ISBN 9781444825510

Lost and Found - Oct 2015 - ISBN 9781444825862

Too Good to be True - Nov 2015 - 9781444826241

Uneasy Alliance - Nov 2016 - ISBN 9781444830569

& Audio CD of Uneasy Alliance ISBN 9781407967837

In Perfect Harmony - Dec 2016 - ISBN 9781444830897

The Inheritance - Sept 2017 - ISBN 978144483402

Discovering Love - Oct 2017 - ISBN 9781444834376

It's Never Too Late - Nov 2017 - ISBN 9781444834727

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year -

Dec 2017 - ISBN 9781444835076

The Silver Lining - Jan 2018 - ISBN 9781444835441

The Pottery Project - Feb 2018 - ISBN 9781444835809

Something's Brewing - Oct 2018 - ISBN 9781444842579

Kindred Hearts - Dec 2019 - ISBN 9781444843279

Fleur de Corse - Jan 2020 - ISBN 9781444843989

His Daughter's Duty - Sept 2020 - ISBN 9781444845785

A Woman's Place - Oct 2020 - 9781444845792

A Woman's Place - 1 Oct 022 - Pub.by Thomson, Dundee

Kiss Me Kate - Dec 2020 - ISBN 9781444845808

The Other Woman - Sept 2021 - ISBN 9781444847727

Too Late for Love - Sept 2022 - ISBN 9781444849561

Trapped In Heaven - 1 March 2023 - ISBN9781444850031

Helen's House - April 2024 - ISBN 97844452653

2017 Best Story Award Nominee -  New York Literary Magazine

Ulverscroft Large Print Books were formed in 1964 to tackle the difficulty of people who had problems in reading due to declining eyesight. Thus Large Print was born and Ulverscroft Publishing has always been its strongest supporter.

Audio version of Uneasy Alliance by Isis, 2019



No Matter What  ISBN 9780709090755

(The company has changed hands.

It is now The Crosswood Press www.crowood.com).

Manuscripts now handled by Joffebooks.com


Review by Katie Pullen, www.thebookbag.co.uk - July 2010

This easy-read escapist romance has all the right ingredients for any fan of this genre. Amy and Jason are great characters for a romance, similar in their personalities and both are very good looking, intelligent, and independent. They clearly find each other attractive from the start but both are determined that their marriage is a business arrangement and nothing else., but of course as the reader, we know different. Kremer's description of the Venezuelan jungle is vibrant and I really felt I was there alongside Amy and Jason dealing with the heat as well as the fauna and flora of the place. There are some great descriptions in this part of the novel adding exotic flavour and fun episodes too, which add a bit of humour ....

Review by Books Monthly, www.booksmonthly.co.uk - July 2010

I toyed with the idea of including this on the Crime and Thriller page, but really it is, in essence a romance. The coolness between Amy and Jake is fascinating and frustrating, and Amy's experiences are at times chilly. It is well written, and most enjoyable, with a highly satisfactory resolution.

Review from http.//readersfavorite.com - July 30, 2010

Filled with scenes of adventure and intrigue.

Amy and Jake have struck an unusual bargain which takes them from one adventure to another. Amy comes from England to America under false pretenses to live with Jake, an international buisinessman. They intend to pull off an inter-personal sham which will benefit them both. When Jake convinces his new bride to go to the Venezuelan jungle the careful plans of the couple go slightly askew. Neither is prepared for the adventures into which they have fallen and neither has the foggiest notion of what to do. Even those who shy away from romance novels will find Wendy Kremer's characters delightful and well-defined, such that the reader can genuinely get into the story. The book is filled with scenes of adventure, intrigue, confusion and romance and has something for just about every reader. No Matter What is a delightful first novel from this Welsh writer. This is a good read - something to put in the bag and take along wherever you go.

DC Thomson, Dundee, Scotland


- Forty novellas for:

The People's Friend Pocket Novels and

My Weekly Pocket Novels

Publications in languages other than English.


'No Matter What' was published in serial form in Norway, and Sweden in 2012 & 2014

In the Swedish/Finnish magazine ALLAS, Helingborg. The Swedish title was Til varje pris. January. March 2012.

In the Norwegian magazine NORSK UKEBLAD, Olso. The Norwegian title was Gift med en Fremmed. May-June 2014.


Harper Collins Germany GmbH, HAMBURG, Germany

- pseudonym Anne Harris

Still available in ebook form (in German).


 Three Stories, together with two other authors, in a Summer edition 2022

- under the pseudoname Anne Harris

 Entitled: Sinnliche Küsse in Griechenland   

Romana Series - Sommer Edition - 19681490650

Mein geliebter griechischer Boss  Anne Harris

In den Armen des griechischen Playboys

Sarah Leigh Chase

Griechischer Liebeszauber

Jane Waters

Also CORA Hamburg.

Am Palmenstrand der Sehnsucht

ISBN 198161302250002  Jan 2011

Mein geliebter griechischer Boss

ISBN 19816130250012 June 7th 2011

Meiner spanischer Traummann

ISBN 198816130250009 April 2012




I worked for 'Who's who in Germany' and for a publisher in Duisburg doing various translations for tourist books and about toys and dolls, in German & English

I have self-published a lot of my 'older' books on Amazon's Kindle ebook platform, including 'No Matter What'. All of them are 'cheap' to purchase and from time to time I put one of them in for free! Just check now and then and download!

I also have some books on offer Smashword.com, and Draft2Digital

Oh ... I've also written and published a couple of short stories for the Woman's Weekly's Annual.

I would love to hear from you. And if you read any of my books, please leave a review.

Always remember! 'The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just know how to make the most of everything they have.